Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Author: Francesca



I feel like this reflection is a repeat of what I have previously said all semester but I guess that is what a reflection is, right?

Honestly before this class I really have never given a thought toward literacy. Just like many others I just figured the basics of reading and writing and whatever else. Well to sum up my learning I will leave you with this.


I have learned that we all have power over what we learn-or so we think. We all look to others known as sponsors (government, teachers, parents, friends and siblings) to lead us in the right direction, whatever that may be. Sometimes our up-bring/background/lifestyle past and current narrows the opportunity in our lives of having or not having access to basic things that would help learning evolve. As learners get older we tend to take agency over our learning, but subconsciously allow others to groom our thought patterns and convince us we are the illiterate future you can miraculously navigate the world of technology. The digital divide, divide us beyond just age but again by accessibility. I think what I have truly learned is equal access is the key to success. However we live in an unequal access kind of world on many levels in which success isn’t the fate we all can equally achieve.


Shared learning/ technology/opportunity

Gosh where do I begin? Well we all know that as learners we gain knowledge by sharing, interacting and observing others. It is awesome to know that we can take those sharing and learning lessons online….okay here is my semi-related rant…you know I am all for helping the world and other countries achieve and receive some of the basics we have here in America including technology access. I don’t know if you have heard of Nicholas Negroponte and the One Laptop per Child program it is a cool program where a person in the US buys a laptop and another is given to another child in another country. This program is great but, I always wonder, why is America so quick to help others but not take care of home? I feel that it is our job as U.S. citizens should take care of our problems first before we help others is a grand way. Yeah TOMS has the same concept, but they are talking about shoes but here with laptops we are talking technology that is not given to local elementary schools and such. Again the basic technology is all we need to help others see a better way of life through technology like we saw in Street’s article. I personally think that technology exposure and use of technology can help people learn new things and new literacies. Considering we are the land of opportunity I think there isn’t enough opportunity for the underprivileged. I don’t know how one person can promote such a huge change.

Moje Blog 9

Moje Blog 9

“Our major assertion about these young peoples motivation to read and write outside of school is that reading and writing are situated in and constitutive of social networks and identities. As such reading and writing provide important forms of social capital by providing information that allows for the maintenance of social networks, the development of subjective experience and enactments of identity, and models for self-improvements and achievements of future goals. Text reading and writing also appear to allow for social and psychological adjustment, an important function in and of itself.”

This quote is defiantly goes back to our route question of, how can we make a functioning reading network within one classroom where all student interest are served but not policed? I don’t have an answer to this question but is there a place in education to address personal “…interest in learning about cultural heritage”, “…to locate information about racial/ethnic groups”, and “…influenced by group members’ desires to see a mirrored experience in the text or to bond with group members who generated the text.” I feel that as an educator we are expected to do so much but, how can we fulfill student personal needs and our required tasks to complete in the classroom? Okay well right now I just see I am full of questions but no answers. It appears to me that students must continue to fulfill their needs as listed above outside of class, but if there is no desire to do any additional reading/writing then what is next?

P.S. While I re-read Moje I thought it would be cool for classrooms to have like three book clubs at once and only 3 students at a time can be the head caption/leader of the group (all the students will have a chance to be head caption/ leader). The leader will have to gain people to join their book club for three weeks by marketing their book choice(s) to their classmates. I know there are some flows in this, but it can be like three genres going at once and its student lead and at the end if one groups want to do some extended work with the book I say go for it.

It’s crazy while reading Moje that three reasons she explained why students read I felt like, yeah that was me for real. I read because of my friends and our interest in books that related to us, our heritage and to what was popular too. Super Cray!

Thoughts (accdiently posted on 634-oops!)

Thoughts (accdiently posted on 634-oops!)

I learned there is a platform for all types of learning or websites to use to reinforce learning. It appears that both the student and teach must be willing to try something me and be innovative with what platforms are chosen in the classroom. I am concerned about the student(s) who just may not be tech-savvy and cannot use the platforms effectively. I may never incounter that scenario but what is the middle ground for a student who is not tech-savvy. Thought: Who has the time to look for these websites and figure out how to use them?

A take away idea, I really like having students pick the platform of their choice to do a project but as a class we create a mass document of the platforms the students use so others can explore them and use them when needed.

Digital Divide

Digital Divide

It’s About Class: Interrogating the Digital Divide

The bold is what came from the article. I found those to be powerful statements.

My cool article talked about the digital divide and how there is open access to everyone, but it comes with a price. I loved the comment about those students who have a small source of technology does not know how to use it or misuse it and they should misuse their technology but again the price for added supplements like data plans, smart phones and the price cause parents to nag about using technology as toy and not are resources. Not only that working for money keeps families occupied from using the technology they have, because of being tired and not having the extra money for repairs and replacements. With that being said some students are just against using technology in the classroom which sounds funny to me but the writer said her students were taught to fear technology for X reasons. One of the reasons they disdain the technology is because many of them don’t see how it will help them get a job in their low-tech worlds; better to know how to hunt, grow gardens, slaughter cows, sew quilts, fish, forage, weld, etc. I am constantly in awe of all they do know how to do, versus what I (unfortunately) think they should know how to do. I’ve had students in my class who are computer science majors who only recently bought their first computer…”

This article is so OMG right now. I am typing as I read and I could not believe that I just read the university it self has taken a stance on technology in the classroom. The message from the university is clear, tech doesn’t or shouldn’t matter. Focus instead on what you are supposed to be doing: teaching writing. I don’t teach naked because of some pedagogical point, I do it because I have to. Allow me to explain! In the comparison given to me. The business major receives the cool updates on technology with computers and sufficient classroom tools such as a functioning white board and more, whereas the English department was stripped of their technological resources and the grungy whiteboard. The message the university is sending is reinforcing what the students think. I don’t need technology to learn how to write. The 2 big parties that could fight for technology, the university and students are not.  The teachers are left in the cold to use what they have but they have minimal impact vs. the students who pursue their education at that particular school.


 But, you might say, a great teacher can find a way to overcome these limitations! This brings up another class issue: tenure-track versus non-tenure-track faculty and the increasing standardization of curriculum, particularly in the writing classroom. I am off the tenure-track, teaching writing according to an increasingly limited script. How much room or freedom do we have to play ourselves, to integrate technology and digital pedagogy in our classroom? How much time do we have to figure out the best ways to help our students learn and engage? What are the incentives? What are the punishments for failure? Low-paid, underappreciated, exploited, we are expected, in 15 weeks, to create college-ready writers out of students who don’t initially know how to attach a file to an email.

These are the digital divides that worry me, that discourage and prevent many teachers from embracing a more hybrid form of teaching. Both students and teachers need the support and encouragement to play, to have the time and fearlessness to use and “misuse” tech.

New Medias and Learning

New Medias and Learning

From the reading in my 21st illiteracies group I like the fact that online users support each other in the many hybrid-genres they are using to write and tell stories. In fact those hybrid-genres are pretty complex to write because certain elements are taken and used to create new genre. I am so amazed that writers seek help of other fellow writers of the genre and critique each others’ work, what is more amazing is these people write for pleasure, there are really very few incentives to write but the idea that people choose too is awesome.

I am learning that media is a complex medium to intergraded into the classroom because when those mediums are used to complete an assignment new grading factors come into play when trying to evaluate a students work. I thought it would be easy to find new online mediums to use as a part of teaching.  The sites I have found were to create your own online book and to make music. I think these sites are great but how to evaluate as students us of these mediums in compliance with completing the assignment.