Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

How do we use it?

How do we use it?

Yes, I am that one friend that is constantly asking questions on how to use certain types of Apps. I view sponsorship to digital literacy the same as print based  literacy. You go and seek help and guidance in order to understand something. The only difference is the objective since the steps to learning something may be similar to each other.

Recently, I have been trying to understand and work with twitter. It is very confusing when it comes to retweeting, commenting on a picture and lastly it becomes a challenge because I often forget how to use them. I get so surprised when my followers on twitter are updating, “tweeting” throughout the whole day!

Furthermore, that is my biggest challenge about working with twitter. I cannot be updating every hour of the day. I have other things to do that I cannot find time to update my status. Most of my followers have goals set to tweet over 1,o00 tweets. I, on the other hand cannot get 200 tweets and I’ve had my twitter over 6 months.

Overall, sponsorship can come for many reasons but the goal is the same. Some goals may be harder then others but that is the challenge when it comes to understanding something that you are not use it. Especially social media, in my case.


2 Replies to “How do we use it?”

  1. That is something I noticed about twitter when i had one a few years ago. People I followed would tweet through out the day and I always thought i was so far behind in what was happening. That eventually evolved into just using it to chat and share pictures with those that I knew. For me I am still not sure the point of twitter but to randomly say things that others may also agree with. Twitter has almost become an extension of peoples lives that needs to be used. I would not worry about not being able to tweet all day every day. There is more to it all than social media and you have proved that. Then again I am mostly against social media and what it has become, so I would take what i say with a grain of salt.

  2. I completely relate to your situation. Among my friends I’m the least techno savvy, whenever I ask questions about social media I’m usually met with a glance that says, “you didn’t know that already?” Although digital literacy is considered to be a large influence on our generation, I constantly feel as if I’m out of the loop. Although I agree with you that sponsorship can influence people for many reasons I don’t necessarily believe each sponsors goals are the same.

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