Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

What is Lit?

What is Lit?

             From the readings in class, I was able to grab many different perspectives in describing literacy. There are no wrong answers when defining literacy because you can view it in many ways, either in a positive or negative way. However, I grabbed literacy in a positive way. At first, I had thought that literacy had only one correct answer but I was wrong once I started to learn the different perspectives there are to literacy. Literacy evolves throughout time and starts to spread in different directions. There is digital literacy, which is sometimes viewed as a negative way because many believe writing and reading a hard copy book will soon die out due to this. I view digital literacy as a positive way because you can take so much from it and it is something that is spreading rapidly.

            As a social view of literacy, I started to realize different perspectives other than mine. while reading Hamilton. For example, Hamilton states, “ sponsorship deals often require the wearing of brand logos and this impose marking is akin to the branding of property and to the public branding used to shame those defined as deviant,” from this I started to notice two sides of wearing logos. The two sides would be finically beneficial to the brand logo or simple satisfaction to the person that has bought or has decided to wear the brand logos. I have noticed these two sides before, however I only noticed more my perspective, which is wearing the logo for satisfaction. On the other hand, many people start to notice these brand logos on other people and decide to wear them as well, which means more money for the brand logo. Furthermore, wearing literacy can have more to it than just for satisfaction.

               What am I still mulling over? I am still wanting to know more perspectives on digital literacy in a positive way. I mentioned this to Kim earlier in the week. What is her view on the internet v.s teachers? I got this from a twitter post and it has been haunting me since. The twitter post mentioned something about teachers not teaching students and that you learn more from the internet. It also mentioned that teachers are not even needed. What is your view on this twitter post?

One Reply to “What is Lit?”

  1. That is an interesting thought that teachers are not needed , that we can learn strictly from the internet. Simply because we need people that are knowledgable people [teachers] to put these things on the internet. Then we will still need people more knowledgable than us to add the new things to the internet. That and there is the issue that everyone wants to think of themselves as an expert, then the masses will get the wrong information, then nobody is better off.

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