Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Group Presentations Overview

Group Presentations Overview

During the group presentations, I was able to obtain a lot of information I was still unfamiliar about. For example, the gaming and literacy group was a topic I could not wrap my head around until the day of their presentation. Honestly, I feel like I could not understand it because gaming is not something that is in my whole interest (I do think it is cool). However, It stood out to me the most when JD was playing the video game because the video game itself looked very interesting to learn. Meanwhile, he was explaining the process of the game which is, if you fail then you are allowed to try again and you are given the opportunity to get a better score and improve your skills. On the other hand, our school system does not allow you to do that, instead you fail and are not allowed to prove or improve yourself again. The idea of getting another opportunity to improve is something important for students, in order for them to not give up after one failed attempt.

The hip/hop and literacy group was very fun to watch because they included modern music and music from the past. Once you look into the lyrics of the music, you are able to notice the connection of literary devices. What stood out to me the most was when we started to make our own rap and it was entertaining to see what other groups came up with.

Lastly, the make/hack/play group made the experience of creating something from a scenario and a few items enjoyable. The scenarios that they came up with were complicated but once we started making something as a team it made it less complicated. In this group, what stood out to me the most was when we started to share our ideas. I was impressed on what other group members had came up with.

Overall, the presentations had me engaged and made me think of the connection with literacy.


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