Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Claire: Sorry For The Wait

Claire: Sorry For The Wait

  1. The hip hop a literacy group was super interesting. I always knew rap was poetry, but I never knew all the specific aspects that actually related lyrics to poetry. It was nice to see their example of using something all student can genuinely relate to being used in a classroom because we could see how that really got the students interested.
  2. The next group was the gaming group. First off I learned that I will never know the point to video games if I’m not specifically told what I am supposed to be doing. But mostly I learned that it does take a certain mindset to be a gamer. During surgeon simulator I struggled with the controls, but that didn’t matter because I was able to start over which is a good idea to incorporate in a classroom to eliminate the fear of failure.
  3. The last was the maker group, which was my favorite. I loved that we were all able to come up with our own ideas because they were all so different and we got to use ideas from our different backgrounds and have none of them be wrong. That is something that doesn’t apply to schools in many areas but should be.
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