Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Ideas for Our Reflections

Ideas for Our Reflections

Definitions/conceptions of literacy

literacy as doing, as a social practice (Barton)

literacy as accomplishing things with reading and writing (Brandt)

Girls use literacy to present a particular kind of self. Literate practices served to mark social boundaries (Finders)

Literacy as the ability to read and write situates literacy in the individual person, rather than in society. The practices of social groups are never just literacy practices; they also involve ways of talking, interacting, thinking, valuing, and believing. Can not pull apart literacy practices from non-literacy practices. (Gee)

Learning to write means learning to write in the ways (genres) those in an activity system write (Russell)

Literacy as a set of socially organized practices, which make use of a symbol system and a technology for producing and disseminating it. Literacy is not simply knowing how to read and write a particular script but applying this knowledge for specific purposes in specific contexts of use. A piece of writing, whatever its form, serves as a flag to signal activities in the ongoing stream of behavior that may have some component skills in common (258). (Scribner and Cole)

Literacy as a shorthand for the social practices and conceptions of reading and writing. ideological model of literacy: concentrate on the specific social practices of reading and writing. significance of socialization process in the construction of meaning of literacy for participants (Street)

What we remember…

Currently literacies: we’re still learning so much from old dead white guys, how language has evolved, political correctness because coming more involved with other, bc internet more closely connected.

Book club: identity and literacy; what can students do in class that help them get ready for what they might want to do later, being a part of a community, sharing ideas in the classroom, taking on different roles.

Szwed: people are literate in different ways, as a future teacher it’s important to see that and see student’s successes in different types of literacy. Can’t discredit people’s types of literacies and their successes just because you don’t get that literacy. What literacies are valued; aren’t illiterate just because it’s a different form of literacy

How little has changed in the classroom over time; the world is changing so much but the classroom isn’t. Huge resistance to change anything about classroom. Rooms set up for teaching not learning.

Sponsorship and privilege. Opportunities really affect ability and desire to learn. Who gets to do this? Who gets to participate in maker culture or cool ways of doing things? Issues of access.

What are forms of literacy? Key parts of our life have literacy that we just don’t think about

Mobile literacy

How is literacy changing? How does it relate to learning new forms of literacy?

Book club: let us explore the idea of choice and how that effects how we read and what we read. Talked about bringing that into the classroom and how that can help students and their desire to read and participate.

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