Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Working with drafts (11/18)

Working with drafts (11/18)


Near the top of your draft or in a comment in Google, give your responders some idea of where this draft is in the process: what do you like so far? where are you stuck in the draft? what questions do you have now that you’ve thought through a draft? What specific feedback would you like?

Responders: I would avoid playing with grammar or surface level edits. Instead, what questions do you have for the writer? Are there places where you are stuck? Where you would like to see data or more analysis? What is working for you and why as a reader? What 2-3 things might the writer do in the next revision?

Response trios-ish:

Tim, Bella, Marysa

Chloe, Amber, Mireya

Natalie, Cody, Hayden

Miguel, Sofia, Morgan

Aaron, Jacob, Rachael

Laila, Virginia, Iliannah, Tatiana

Katonya, Kaitlin, Casey, Audrey

Orion, Alaina, Brennan



And, for fun, Sleater-Kinney

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