Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Hybrid Pedagogy

Hybrid Pedagogy

The Hybrid Pedagogy I read is based on Personal Learning Networks. Alison Seaman begins her article with bringing Sherry Turkle’s argument to life. Turkle thinks that technology is not only unbeneficial to our society, but that it is harmful: “We think constant connection will make us feel less lonely. The opposite is true … If we don’t teach our children to be alone, they will know only how to be lonely”. This statement does make a valid point, but the reality of our life is that we truly are never alone. As unique or isolated that we may feel, there are so many other people who feel the exact same way.

Seaman makes the obvious arguments of how technology truly connects us all. Through technology we are provided communication, research and cooperation. Seaman says, ‘What can lead to isolation is a lack of both technical skills and an understanding of the social elements of the Web, both of which are required for productive social networks”. This is not only true because our society has evolved into a technological relm, but it has now formed into a way of teaching.

I was intrigued by this article because during our article groups we have learned that there are thousands of different techniques to teaching. As we have studied literacy we have concluded that their are different genres of literacy: social, private, public, gender differences, cultural differences, etc. With our articles it is evident that through sports, video games, pop culture, several diverse media techniques, and gender differences that teaching techniques have to be adapted to each genre and interest of a person. Not every individual is the same. Everyone learns differently and through these resources I think there can both be better teaching and better learning.

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