Almost there!
Y’all did a great job working through your peer’s assignments and providing thoughtful encouragement and feedback to the teacher; thank you! As many of you mentioned, creating assignments and activities is so challenging! One of the things I often do is try out my own assignments. I learn a lot when I try to actually do the thing I created. I also look at my assignments and deconstruct the elements, asking “what are the parts of this assignment: what are the various things we’ll need to know how to do?” I then backwards design activities, discussions, mentor texts, etc to scaffold the elements. With larger assignments, I often make portions due for feedback along the way, leading up to a draft. Once I have first drafts, I read them and go back to class with some mini-lessons based on their drafts: the goal is to give ideas about what we might do next in revision or support editing work. AND, lots and lots of mentor texts, models, examples…
Before the end of the day today, you’ll reflect briefly on how your assignment went (as a comment in your original post). As part of that, be sure to tell your “student” how they did! What did you like about their writing? What suggestions might you have to the writer? I included examples from Miranda and Suzanne below who both did a great job talking with each other about the work (thank you!). This is good practice for all the feedback you’ll give throughout your career, so I would take every opportunity to try on this feedback practice.
Due tonight: Respond to two prompts for Chapter 8 and Appendix K in G+
And, you can submit your Reflection & Manifesto any time before tomorrow night (share in Google Docs to my google account email: kjaxon@mail.csuchico.edu. (Just like your Wildcat email.) Note that this is slightly different from the one I typically email with (@csuchico.edu)).
A couple of you are already done with everything! I’ll submit official grades first thing Saturday morning, so I’ll need everyone’s essays by Friday at midnight or soon thereafter. Thank you!
In a nutshell today:
- Your reflection on your activity you designed (as a comment in G+ under your original activity post). Say something nice to your student writer.
- Respond to two prompts for Chapter 8 and Appendix K in G+
Examples of responses to the activities:
Hey Suzanne! Wow, great job! I loved your book, the illustrations were awesome – I loved how you used different characters in Storyjumper to work for your story, like how at the end there are so many different looking kids, and also how all the girls in princess type dresses were talking about the striped shirt and glasses. The storyline was great, and I love your conclusion! I like how you used the striped shirts to represent how the character was unique, and how the next day she wore stripes again in a different color. I love how the story encourages us to embrace our uniqueness. Great message, great illustrations, great conclusion. Thank you also for sharing how this was inspired by your daughter’s story. I think it is important to tell stories to show how we can turn around something difficult into something that is good. Your story exceeded my expectations for the assignment! And, yes I think you are right about the part where I could add in to encourage the students to use fun illustrations to help their story. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Miranda, I LOVED your story “The Guitar”. It was amazing! I felt like I got to know the character a lot. And I could tell this event truly did make it’s mark on those involved. You created a beautiful story with great illustrations and definitely exceeded my expectations. Way to go! I don’t think I would change anything, except maybe a link to hear the band or some of Mira’s guitar playing =) Other than that it was great. Thank you for taking the time to make this book and sharing such a beautiful story.
Thanks again everyone!