Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Category: Announcements

Dr. Sparks’ Talk tonight (Nov 6)

Dr. Sparks’ Talk tonight (Nov 6)

Howdy nice people,

Here are the details for Dr. Sparks’ talk tonight as part of the Digital Humanities series:

“Scrolling is Inevitable, Like Falling”: Digital Rhetoric in Human Rights Activism

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019, 5–6 p.m.

Meriam Library, Room 252

From human trafficking to police brutality, in our contemporary global landscape it seems atrocities of one kind or another are a constant. This presentation explores the role of non-humans, or objects, in promoting human rights activism. Using the digital outreach of Amnesty International as a case study, I sketch a re-orientation that asks us to consider rhetorical delivery beyond the speaker. What does our growing understanding of human-digital interaction mean for activism? How are human rights issues “delivered” across digital networks? What roles might humans and non-humans play in network flows of information and activism?

If you want, we can meet outside our classroom (ARTS 105) at 4:45 and walk over together. Look forward to going to this talk with y’all.


Reminders week 3

Reminders week 3

Hello nice people,
First of all, thank you so much for the really smart work you did with Brandt in last night’s class. I look forward to continuing to look at those sections of Brandt on Monday. I’ll give you a couple minutes to regroup and I’ll bring back the posters.
  • Sunday night, you have a post due about Brandt. Look for the category “Brandt (Sept 15)” in our G+ community. Remember that the prompts are linked on the calendar, but feel free to riff off any of the ideas in Brandt that are interesting to you or you want to sort out through writing about the ideas.
  • We’ll look over Monday’s readings that are listed on the calendar together, but you might peak at them before class. The readings for the next two weeks are previews for the “article group assignment” so that you can make an informed decision about your article group choice. (The article groups will lead a 60 minute workshop with our class based on the ideas in a focused subfield of literacy studies: Gaming & Literacy, Digital Literacies & Ethics, Make/Hack/Play Literacies, or Social Justice & Media Literacies)
  • Oh, and one heads up in case you never had a chance to read the syllabus: you can only miss class 3 times total this semester. You can see the full policy here. Since we were missing a couple of people last night (and it is so early in the semester to start missing), I just wanted to highlight this.
Have a great weekend and see you Monday.
Reminders for Week 2

Reminders for Week 2

Hello nice people of English 332,
As promised, your friendly reminders as we head into the weekend and week 2:
  • POST: you have a discussion post due by Monday night in our G+ community. Links to the G+ and the prompts are on our site and the calendar.
    • respond to a peer’s post. Always: write one, then respond to one.
  • BOOK CLUB: Think about the book club choice (check our syllabus page). Let me know which book you want to read (and get it ordered) here.
  • SELF STUDY: track your literacies for a couple of days. Bring the data to class Wednesday. You can find the assignment here.
  • For Wednesday, read chapter 1 in the New Literacies Sampler (1-22). This frame will help us think about what makes something a “new literacy.” image of the book New LIteracies Sampler
Have a great weekend!
Friendly reminders for Aug 28

Friendly reminders for Aug 28

Hi nice people,
Really enjoyed meeting everyone last night. Here are some friendly reminders for tomorrow:
  • Come having read Szwed. Link on calendar and here too. Have the reading available on a laptop, tablet, whatever, so we can refer to it.
    • If it’s helpful, here is what we’ll do with the reading so you can think about this as you read: How does Szwed understand literacy practices (what does he mean by the social meaning of literacy) (422-423)? How does he say others define literacy? Why is this narrow definition a problem according to Szwed? Point us to a passage to consider as a class: What does it say, what does it mean, why does this matter?
  • Bring a laptop/tablet so we can get set up on G+. Your first response is due Monday night.
  • We’ll talk about your literacy self study too (you’ll track your literacies for a couple of days)
Looking forward to our work together.
Welcome to fall 2019!

Welcome to fall 2019!

Hello! Welcome to Introduction to Literacy Studies. This site is where you will find our syllabus, assignments, calendar, readings, etc.

Almost all readings are available as links from the calendar. I will ask you to choose a book club text, but we can talk about that when we meet. For now, feel free to click around the site and get familiar. If you’re on Twitter like me, you can follow me @drjaxon

Jasmine Corona will be working with me as a TA in our course. We look forward to working with you together.

See you Monday at 5:30pm in ARTS 105. Bring a laptop or tablet if you have one. Let the wild rumpus start.

