Friendly reminders for Aug 28
Hi nice people,
Really enjoyed meeting everyone last night. Here are some friendly reminders for tomorrow:
- Come having read Szwed. Link on calendar and here too. Have the reading available on a laptop, tablet, whatever, so we can refer to it.
- If it’s helpful, here is what we’ll do with the reading so you can think about this as you read: How does Szwed understand literacy practices (what does he mean by the social meaning of literacy) (422-423)? How does he say others define literacy? Why is this narrow definition a problem according to Szwed? Point us to a passage to consider as a class: What does it say, what does it mean, why does this matter?
- Bring a laptop/tablet so we can get set up on G+. Your first response is due Monday night.
- We’ll talk about your literacy self study too (you’ll track your literacies for a couple of days)
Looking forward to our work together.