Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Blog Post 2

Blog Post 2

What are your take-away ideas from the Miller text so far? What ideas are resonating? What seems challenging? What are you most excited about in terms of teaching reading? Most afraid of?


I really enjoy the Miller text so far. I enjoy reading when you can really hear the author’s voice through their writing. Miller did a great job at immediately grasping my attention. Miller points out that today a lot of students claim they don’t have time to read. A good strategy is to always have a book on you at all times. Therefore, when you are waiting for the doctor instead of pulling out your phone to aimlessly browse, you could read!

When I’m a teacher I think the hardest part will be getting the students excited about reading. That’s why I want to try to familiarize myself with a lot of children’s books so I know which ones to recommend to certain students. I believe that in order to get students excited about something, the teacher needs to be excited about it as well.

One Reply to “Blog Post 2”

  1. Yes, I agree! Finding books that your students will like to read is going to be hard, but Kim’s class is definitely going to help with this! Yes your enthusiasm will reflect of the students and if you are excited then they will be too!

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