Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Author: Amberlie

My Mother and Learning to Read

My Mother and Learning to Read

She did recall one memory, she says she was about 4, just before she started school (preschool was unheard of then, she reminds me), and she ran out to the garden where her mother was weeding. “Momma, what does W-H-Y spell?” she asked, to which her mother replied “Why hon.” Frustrated and pointing to the Golden encyclopedia (she was specific about this particular part, but couldn’t remember which one she was reading), and said “Because it is in the book and I want to know what it says!”

Graffiti As Literacy

Graffiti As Literacy

I am not sure really what to say about this piece. It is an obvious example of literacy in the environment (from the essay), in that it is physically in the environment, and telling people to be wary of the environment around them. On the other hand, this is a unique piece of literacy, and rather than try to delve into the article, I’d rather rant about that.

First, this piece is unique in that it is not meant to bring any sort of notoriety or physicality to the author/artist, where most other forms do (especially tagging). In most cases (my opinion here), the written word indicates a purpose that brings in some sort of benefit to the author. For example, books give some sort of revenue, as do blogs, or tagging is deliberately indicating a specific person/people for advertising or making claim to an area. This image is specifically unlabeled/unclaimed, and sends a message to everyone outside of the author.

Secondly, this piece is located where it is not really meant to be seen by the majority of people. It is a private literacy. That in its own is awesome.

All About the Nerdoms

All About the Nerdoms

Hi! My name is Amberlie, not Amber, not Amber Lee, not Emily. It is a nerdy name, came from a fantasy novel by Terry Brooks (she was an elf, but that’s beside the point). I am an English Studies major, junior, and I am 30 years old.

Yes, I am that old.

I was born in the LA area, but have been raised here in the Paradise area, where I still live. I live with my wonderful boyfriend Matt, and my totally adorable kitty Sammie (featured in the picture). Occupationally speaking, I am a full time student, and also care for my mom, who has been my inspiration and motivation to go back to school, and also has late stage Lyme Disease. I have two younger sisters, and I am also a twin, but mine is a brother, and he isn’t as cool as the other twins in the class.

What am I all about? Well I am not sure I could accurately sum it up into one post. Laughter and love are my drugs of choice, and when push comes to shove, there is nothing like determination and bull-headed stubbornness to get me through. Keeping that in mind, I am a blossoming hiker, avid gardener, and seasoned painter (of the canvas sort). I am also a huge fan of books (duh), video and board games. I love all sorts of music, and can rarely sit in front of the computer for more than 45 minutes before having to get up (brb).

Where was I? Oh yeah. The title of this post. Nerdoms! Some things I am interested in: Kitties (Sammie in particular), Doctor Who, Dungeon and Dragons, Cards Against Humanity, the original Star Wars, Lord of the Rings (although I have a huge list of other fantasy novels I am quite fond of), Anime, Computer and Console gaming (particularly RPGs, and I am a recovering WoW addict).

I think that should bore enough people into not reading this, so that’s all!