Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies



The intention of these assignments is to invite you to participate in the practices of a literacy researcher. Many of these assignments invite you to collect and analyze your own data; other assignments will give us a chance to read and discuss current ideas in the field of literacy studies. I look forward to working together.

Full descriptions of our assignments in the links below; we’ll support the work in class and with feedback.

Total: 260 points

Reading Together


We’ll read and annotate together in a platform called Perusall: Perusall allows us to see each other’s comments, respond to each other, share links, and create a shared conversation around the ideas in our reading.

To Join:

  • Go to, click Login, and then either log in using your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account, or create a Perusall account using your email address and setting up a password. Select I am a student and enter our course code: JAXON-PWRPY
    • *Note: only students enrolled in our English 332 course can join our Perusall community.

Semester reading schedule (all in our Perusall community):

  • Aug 24: Sylvia Scribner’s “Literacy in Three Metaphors”
  • Aug 31: David Kirkland’s “The Skin We Ink: Tattoos, Literacy, and a New English Education”
  • Sept 12: Deborah Brandt’s “Sponsors of Literacy”
  • Sept 26: Mike Wesch’s An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube
  • Sept 28: “Four Things Social Media Can Teach You About College Writing–And One Thing It Can’t” & Kim Jaxon’s and Leslie Atkins “Making Science: When Does Spaghetti Become a Light Ray?”
  • Oct 3: Stommel & Morris’ “A Guide for Resisting Edtech: the Case against Turnitin”
  • Oct 10: April Baker-Bell’s “We Been Knowin: Toward an Antiracist Language & Literacy Education”
  • Nov 7: “Introduction to Primary Research”
  • Nov 7: student example ethnographies

Peer Response (10 pts each; 30 points)

Due (in class work): Sept 7, Sept 19, Nov 30

decorativeWe’ll give peer feedback to drafts. We’ll create guiding questions and guidelines together for our feedback. Must be in class for credit.