Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Author: gluevanos

How do we use it?

How do we use it?

Yes, I am that one friend that is constantly asking questions on how to use certain types of Apps. I view sponsorship to digital literacy the same as print based  literacy. You go and seek help and guidance in order to understand something. The only difference is the objective since the steps to learning something may be similar to each other.

Recently, I have been trying to understand and work with twitter. It is very confusing when it comes to retweeting, commenting on a picture and lastly it becomes a challenge because I often forget how to use them. I get so surprised when my followers on twitter are updating, “tweeting” throughout the whole day!

Furthermore, that is my biggest challenge about working with twitter. I cannot be updating every hour of the day. I have other things to do that I cannot find time to update my status. Most of my followers have goals set to tweet over 1,o00 tweets. I, on the other hand cannot get 200 tweets and I’ve had my twitter over 6 months.

Overall, sponsorship can come for many reasons but the goal is the same. Some goals may be harder then others but that is the challenge when it comes to understanding something that you are not use it. Especially social media, in my case.


Did you like it?

Did you like it?

I found this respond the most interesting when asking Jorge. The question was, ” Who helped you with reading and writing and how? Did you like it?.”

He responded,” My mom was the one that would help me with reading and writing, she would read to us every night and she would also act out the stories while she dressed up as the characters. I did enjoy it.”

First Blog of the Semester!

First Blog of the Semester!


    My name is Gaby and I am currently over thinking the whole process on how to “Blog correctly.”  So here I go. My last name is Luevanos and I am the second oldest out of four. My older sister is my best friend and a huge supporter of my education. Through our talks I have realize what I truly wanted to major in. So I am a currently an English Education Major with a Minor in Linguistics. This is my second year at CSU Chico and I am loving it.

   Lets start in fifth grade where my passion on working with others and helping began. Many of my teachers are great examples on why I wanted to become a teacher. Throughout school  I have always struggled with math. English always came so much easier for me. Better test scores and higher performing rates. However, I have struggled in allowing myself to express my inner thoughts freely. When it came to my writing I have always been discreet. Sometimes I find myself having to structure my writing a certain way because of the way I was taught to write in school.

     I  have always found it easier to have something specifically to write about. I recently stated that I have a struggle on writing freely and hopefully after this class I have challenged myself enough to have that confidence to write freely.

      What do I read and write? Well, I read and write when it is required from me at school. For example, tests, reading assignments, blogging, etc. In addition, I also read on my own which includes text messaging, twitter, Instagram and Facebook. I do read hard copy books on my spare time as well. I have always enjoyed reading since I can remember! Reading and writing has helped me better understand some certain topics. For example, if you read a book that is focused on a certain event like the Holocaust, you then have a better understand meant and a little more knowledge regarding that topic. Something interesting that I got from Szwed was that our writing and reading does have an impact in our generations. Everything we do know can effect our future generations therefore, we need to treasure it and make sense of it.

      I am very engaged in this class because I truly want to challenge myself in discovering my own style of free writing. This my first blog ever and I hope to better them throughout the semester. Furthermore, I also hope to have a deeper understand meant of  literacy.