Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Author: mmarble1

What is Literacy?

What is Literacy?

What is literacy? I feel like there is not a true definition available for that question after taking this course. I thought that it was just reading and writing. It turns out that it is so much more than that. It goes way beyond that and whoever thinks that it only has one true definition then they are wrong. It is wrong to think that someone is not literate because they have trouble reading in school. Just because they cannot read the text that the teacher offers, that does not make them dumb. They may be able to read baseball cards, or cite statistics. They are literate in their own ways. I learned that reading and writing what the school, or your job, or what your parents tell you is not the only form of literacy. There are many forms such as fairytale literacy, hip hop literacy, gaming literacy, and the list goes on and on. Each form of literacy is different. It brings new things to the table every time.

By the time I posted my first actual blog I had no idea what literacy really was still. I was still under the impression like most people in this world that literacy is just being able to read and write what your parents and teachers tell you to. In my first real blog I wrote, “After reading it the third time this line stuck out to me and it really started to get me thinking. “It would be more accurate to assume, that where the key word ‘literacy’ appears in the newspaper, it is really signifying a concern with ‘illiteracy’”. I just find it so interesting. If you wanted to talk about illiteracy, then why not just talk about it. There is no point of beating around the bush, just say what you want to say. I am talking about the article, “Why Johnny Can Never Ever Read” written by Bronwyn T. Williams. I would recommend this article to everyone. It can be used in almost any classroom from grades 9-12 and even in college. Moving on to my next point.

Like I said before I truly knew nothing about literacy so I was kind of surprised when I found out that hip hop is a form of literacy. I guess it makes since if you truly think about it. When you rap you are making words, and yes it may not always make since, but that is what’s so unique about it. It stands alone. In class we all had to make our own raps. My group came up with a rap, but it was not really appropriate so we did not share it with the class. Doing something like that can really enhance a student’s learning. Not every one learns the same, so by creating something new it allows for those students who feel like they are on the outside to be brought in. Having students create a rap can help them with studying and can even help them become closer to their other classmates because they may find a common interest. I think that this was the biggest surprise to me. I think that everyone who plans on becoming a teacher really needs to try this out.

Digital literacy is something that I do not really care for. I think that technology is far too advanced. I am not saying that we should go back to the dark ages, but people rely on their phones and computers too much. I think that reading a book is way more valuable than updating your Facebook status every five seconds or posting something on twitter. In one of my blogs I wrote, “Also the Ted Talk we watched in class where there is this whole new idea of using the word slash in texting so people know that you are going to talk about something new. I think that technology is getting too advanced and I feel like I am falling behind. It really bothers me that you have to have the newest phone and that you need to be on social media now to find anything out. I do not like the idea of Digital Literacy at all. I think that we need to take a step back and focus more on others things because the day that we lose power across the nation to where our phones don’t work, the world is going to end. People will not know how to handle themselves. They rely on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram too much. I think that we should focus more on actually writing stuff down versus texting all the time.” Just like the twitter essay that was mentioned also in my blog, I think that trying something like that would be impossible. There are so many students out there who hate social media and would not want to do an assignment that required you to write a thoughtful essay in a limited number of characters.

This class has taught me a lot. I still think that I have a lot to learn about literacy still. I think that literacy is constantly evolving. There may be a new literacy tomorrow, who knows. I feel like this class has changed me for the better. Learning all of this information will help me become a better teacher because I will be able to relate to my students.



I learned that Make Hack Play is one of the best literacies. It incorporates so many different things that it will appeal to almost everyone. I also learned that the most of the fairy tales have been modified or changed over the years. I think the best thing about watching all of these presentations was learning about all of the different types of literacy. I would have never thought of hip hop and gaming as a form of literacy.

I think I would have my future students create their own fairy tales based on some of the fairy tale stories. Also, I might have the students create a rap to help them learn certain subjects or help them study for their tests. I think incorporating all different types of literacy in my teaching will really help my future students learn. You have to have an open mind when it comes to teaching literacy because every student learns differently. You have to be what your students need you to be in order to be able to teach them something new.

Adolescent Identity and Literacy

Adolescent Identity and Literacy

I chose this article because I feel like this can be applied the easiest in the classroom. I plan on using information like this when I become a teacher. It is hard to connect with kids now a days because they are so interested in digital things. Being able to understand what they are the most interested in will help me when I become a teacher.

I googled one of the authors Bronwyn T. Williams and what he had to say was quite interesting. “As a teacher I believe that we need to build on the knowledge our students bring into the classroom, and that we can only do this when we listen carefully to what they have to say.”

I feel like this is extremely important because you have to build on the knowledge of your students. What they say in the classroom is more important than what you say the most of the time. We learn from them, just like they learn from us. I think you need to be able to relate to your students and keep up with what they are learning at this time.

Writing Superheroes

Writing Superheroes

My book was mainly about these two kids Sammy and Tina who were different from the rest of their classmates. Sammy just wanted to fit in and have this sense of belonging. Throughout the study you are able to see Tina and Sammy grow with the their superhero stories. Sammy gets a chance to create his on play that the classroom will act out.

The book is boring to be honest. The author could have done things differently. The children’s stories were interesting, but they way she talked about her findings and how she developed everything was so boring. I skipped all of that because I didn’t see the point of reading it at all.

it seems like the purpose of this book is to let kids try something new to help out their literacy. Not every kid can read and write in a classroom setting so by trying something new it will allow for those kids to learn.

Our group talked mainly about Tina and Sammy because they were the main characters of the story.

Literacy The New Era

Literacy The New Era

Let’s just say that I was completely wrong before. I always thought that literacy was just reading and writing. I thought that it was based only off of things that we learned in class. I never thought that outside things were included. Such as reading a magazine, looking at baseball cards, or even reading a score card for golf. I was really really wrong and that irritates me. I know more know, but I still think that there is more to learn

It just blows my mind that one of the authors we read really pushes this idea of a Twitter Essay. I mean I don’t even use Twitter, I do not understand what it is used for and I don’t really see the point of it. I don’t see how we can push for something like a Twitter Essay.

Also the Ted Talk we watched in class where there is this whole new idea of using the word slash in texting so people know that you are going to talk about something new. I think that technology is getting too advanced and I feel like I am falling behind. It really bothers me that you have to have the newest phone and that you need to be on social media now to find anything out. I do not like the idea of Digital Literacy at all. I think that we need to take a step back and focus more on others things because the day that we lose power across the nation to where our phones don’t work, the world is going to end. People will not know how to handle themselves. They rely on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram too much. I think that we should focus more on actually writing stuff down versus texting all the time.