Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Sex in School

Sex in School

I was talking about Gender, I don’t know what you came here expecting….

Over the last few weeks, we all took turns showing the other members of our class all of the different things that we found while we were researching.  While all of the article groups were relevant, I thought that some were more intriguing than others.  I found that the Gender and Literacy group provided some interesting and insightful theories during their presentation.  I feel that sometimes people, including me, forget that gender does, in fact, influence the ways in which students learn and view learning.  They brought up the idea that male students tend to think of poetry as feminine or girly unless it’s being taught by a male teacher.  Also, the fact that boys’ and girls’ brains are wired differently, so as they take in information more effectively in different ways was a realistic thing to consider even though we are currently in an era where the same treatment is demanded for people of different genders.  I also enjoyed the video that they showed us featuring an educational scientist who wasn’t afraid of saying that females and males are fundamentally different instead of shying away from that thought. Finally, this article group had prepared a quick quiz in order to demonstrate the different interests of the males and females of the class. Even though there were a few questions that showed no real difference between genders, that, in itself, was also quite neat to see.

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