Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog Post 7

Blog Post 7

I took a look at this article on the Hybrid Pedagogy site talking about teaching online, why it fails, and what can be done about it. One thing that I liked and agree with that the article addresses (in the first sentence of paragraph 4) is that “Online learning programs fail because they’ve been told, and they believe, they must operate within the same paradigm of learning and teaching that on-ground programs obey.” I believe this to be true for certain programs. Learning and teaching processes should be fun, creative, interactive, and different since people learn differently with different styles/methods so learning and teaching tools should not be cookie-cutter methods that may be boring and the same type of thing you see over and over again. I also agree with the article in saying that technology shouldn’t be heavily relied on to help learning but aid the instructor doing the teaching.

I signed up for an online class next semester and I have no idea what to expect or how the class is going to be set up. It will be my first time taking an online class and I hope that whatever is being taught, whatever it is that I’m supposed to learn is articulated in a manner that I can understand and that will have some form or tool that plays into my learning style(s). I think that as long as there is some sort of interaction with the instructor and fellow classmates, there shouldn’t be much problems with learning the material. That’s something that online programs and classes should definitely include and offer that could possibly make learning and teaching easier.

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