Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Moje Blog 9

Moje Blog 9

“Our major assertion about these young peoples motivation to read and write outside of school is that reading and writing are situated in and constitutive of social networks and identities. As such reading and writing provide important forms of social capital by providing information that allows for the maintenance of social networks, the development of subjective experience and enactments of identity, and models for self-improvements and achievements of future goals. Text reading and writing also appear to allow for social and psychological adjustment, an important function in and of itself.”

This quote is defiantly goes back to our route question of, how can we make a functioning reading network within one classroom where all student interest are served but not policed? I don’t have an answer to this question but is there a place in education to address personal “…interest in learning about cultural heritage”, “…to locate information about racial/ethnic groups”, and “…influenced by group members’ desires to see a mirrored experience in the text or to bond with group members who generated the text.” I feel that as an educator we are expected to do so much but, how can we fulfill student personal needs and our required tasks to complete in the classroom? Okay well right now I just see I am full of questions but no answers. It appears to me that students must continue to fulfill their needs as listed above outside of class, but if there is no desire to do any additional reading/writing then what is next?

P.S. While I re-read Moje I thought it would be cool for classrooms to have like three book clubs at once and only 3 students at a time can be the head caption/leader of the group (all the students will have a chance to be head caption/ leader). The leader will have to gain people to join their book club for three weeks by marketing their book choice(s) to their classmates. I know there are some flows in this, but it can be like three genres going at once and its student lead and at the end if one groups want to do some extended work with the book I say go for it.

It’s crazy while reading Moje that three reasons she explained why students read I felt like, yeah that was me for real. I read because of my friends and our interest in books that related to us, our heritage and to what was popular too. Super Cray!

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