Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

blog 10 Start of Reflection

blog 10 Start of Reflection

When registering for English 332 I had no idea what literacy even meant. I didn’t even know what to expect out of this course. I have learned in this class that everything and anything is literacy. For some reason there is this stereotype that most “literate people” are smoking cigars, dressed nice, and speak with long and difficult to pronounce words. This stereotype is not true! There is no true claim of calling or claiming someone to be more literate or less literate than your own self. Literacy starts at birth; it starts at life training in general. At some point in our lives we have a guardian telling us what to do, telling us to stop at stop signs, and telling us that green means go. In my book club I read “Just Girls” it introduced literacy in a social aspect. The book described the role play of being a cool girl as being the girl that passes notes in class and doesn’t really engage in educational conversation because it isn’t okay for her social class. The article groups definitely discussed different types of online pedagogy platforms that can be used in the classroom.  The article group I was in we studied this really biased article and it was completely outdated. The author was basically saying that boys and girls are wired to always perform differently in school and differently in literacy practices because boys and girls are biologically wired differently. Participating in school and really learning something honestly has to do with a personal interest thing. That’s why boys or girls can read magazines or baseball statistics and still technically be practicing literacy skills yet not enjoy the Shakespeare that is being taught in their classes because it does not interest them. Not only have I learned that literacy is as simple as everyday life objects like a stop sign but it is also social and about personal interest and motivation. Media literacy has actually started as early as providing a picture with the alphabet. A media evolution has occurred in schools by online educational pedagogy being used within curriculum to help students become motivated to have class discussion and do homework because it relates to their social pop culture networking sites.

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