Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

What we’re ‘supposed’ to read- post #3

What we’re ‘supposed’ to read- post #3

“Her grandmother detested the books that you were ‘supposed’ to read to be a well read individual”

I interviewed my grandmother who comes from a long line of teachers and also has English as a second language. We discussed thed books she had in her home growing up on farms in Louisiana and Texas. She told me all of the books were culturally relevant books. There was not one canon book that she read until she got into high school or college, because her grandmother didn’t believe in them. She often said “what good is reading a book from 1808 if it isn’t going to tell you anything about now”.

I found that incredibly interesting and remember growing up around my grandmother and parents and never being introduced to or handed and books and told “this is an American canon, read it so people think you are well read”. I was always handed a magazine or new best seller, because those are more culturally relevant. But I was also never turned down or told not to read canons.

Reading became a naturally sparked curiousity. Not something I was forced to do because it’d make me look smarter. I told my grandmother I am incredibly grateful for her not making me read what was expected of me, but giving me things I’d enjoy and letting my curiousity go where it may.

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