Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Oh the progress!

Oh the progress!

This week during my book club, we discussed a lot of the good and bad of James Gee’s book What Video Games Teach Us About Learning and Literacy.  One of the issues that we found in Gee’s book was that the book content itself didn’t really apply to actual gamers. Instead served as a justification for those who believed that gaming was a waste of time. This is a problem because, the book tends to draw attention from gamers; considering it is a game about video games. The way that many of this is seen in the book is by Gee explaining certain aspects of games, in great detail; detail that is typically already known to gamers without having to be explained. One of the aspects that we really liked about the book was the fact that Gee presented all the language and terms that he used in one single chapter before applying it to the game. When thinking about the movie we were going to make, we tried to apply the way that Gee has applied the material in the book the same way into the movie. We wanted to add a comedic aspect to the movie but also prove the points that Gee was making about how the learning aspect of gaming and classroom are parallel.

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