Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Post 8

Post 8

What did you learn from your article group readings? What videos or other links would be interesting to share with us on our course site? OR What have you learned from the presentations? What are some of the take away ideas for you from other groups’ workshops?

I was in one of the Adolescent Literacy groups, and I actually did learn quite a bit from my group readings. I didn’t realize how much education and reading affected the adolescent development. I knew that creativity was good for the growing tween, but I never realized that it could make so much of a difference. I was one of the only people I knew that turned to writing or drawing things as a means to express myself. A lot of other people at my school would play sports or party. I felt like the odd one out using literature, but now I see how much it can actually work. It makes me feel good because even though I was struggling to figure out stuff in middle school and high school, I still found a good way to express myself. I wish my expression through writing still stuck with me though. Now, I mostly just blog about my feelings and experiences if I don’t talk to a super close friend.

I learned a lot from the other group presentations. I think the video game taught me the most as a new viewpoint. I do consider myself to be a gamer, but I never thought about learning about literacy with it. I would usually just use video games to pass the time. It’s interesting to see how many different ways we can be exposed to literacy with different means. I think it’s interesting that the ones most out of the box are the ones that I think might actually help encourage literacy the best.

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