Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Something Really Creative and Unique

Something Really Creative and Unique

Hello all! My name is Haley Hansen, I’m a junior majoring in English Education and I am twenty years old. I didn’t always want to be a teacher, yes when I was a little girl I played school with my stuffed animals, but that was about as far as that went. It wasn’t until high school when I found out that I wanted to go into the education field. High school was really hard for me on a personal level, mainly with family issues and connecting with my peers. My two English teachers in high school (one for 9th and 12th grade and the other for 10th and 11th grade) became a couple of my best friends. They took me down the path of literature and education, they helped me find my way through college, and I’m still in contact with them today. If I could impact any youth in the way that those ladies impacted me, that would be all I needed.

I’m a full time student and I work at Wells Fargo. Anyone need a checking or savings account?… Just kidding. I keep really busy and I’m constantly trying new things. I’m new to Chico State, not to Chico though. Since getting into my upper division course work, I’ve found it really refreshing to be surrounded by individuals who are as bookwormish as myself, and who have (somewhat) like minds. I’d love to pick your brain and get to know you all on a better level. Don’t be a stranger!

I read quite often, I always have at least one book going, if not two. I read a lot of fiction and nonfiction. I’m not very big on poetry however. The books I choose to read are whatever I find at a used book store that looks interesting. I’m not one to read multiple works by the same author (I only do that with Stephen Kind and Chuck Palahniuk, so far). I am guilty of reading a lot of Oprah Book Club books and love stories. I also read Woman’s Health every month. This last month I’ve picked up learning Spanish, so I’m also reading a Spanish workbook. As far as writing goes, I’m constantly formulating work in my head, but whether that work makes it to the page is a different story. I’ve had an ongoing journal piece that I put down and pick up from time to time. I really enjoy writing and need to spend more time at it. Aside from all that, I read posts on Facebook and Tumblr every day. As well as texting and emailing.

The purpose of reading and writing in my opinion is for basic communication, in the twenty first century the purpose of reading and writing has expanded a great deal. There are limitless possibilities as to what reading and writing are used for (entertainment, education, etc.). And the purpose of reading and writing are all of the above to me.

Something that I found interesting was how many things we are actually required to read on a daily basis, social media, television broadcasts, signs, store names, etc. I think that to rely on standardized tests and reading “classic” novels to determine literacy is not the best route. To think that some critics deemed young black poets “semiliterate” because they were not familiar with black dialects and aesthetics seems unreal.

One Reply to “Something Really Creative and Unique”

  1. Hi Haley! My name is Teri. It was encouraging to read your post and learn about your past struggles and how literature has helped you overcome those battles and helped you choose a career path. That is great that you had your previous teachers to help you then and today with your endeavors. I had always been a full time student and employee until this semester, so I understand the struggles you might be going through trying to balance those into your life. I applaud you for doing it :) it’s not easy doing both. I also love reading and want to be able to share the skills required with others so they can enjoy it as much as I do. I’m a bit of a bookworm myself, when I’m not reading school books that is. Poetry has never really been my subject either; I’m terrible at trying to “translate” a poem or read into the symbolism presented. I’m lost at that stuff, so it’s nice to know that a fellow English Ed major has the same feeling I do on the matter. That’s awesome that you have picked up Spanish! I need to motivate myself to do the same.
    I completely agree with your point on the importance of literacy. Especially in today’s culture, it’s not only used as an entertainment source (Fb, Twitter, etc.), but so many opportunities to expand knowledge through the ability to read. It’s also a huge source of communication. I also found it interesting how much we read on a daily basis–email, text, social media–without even thinking about it. We read pretty much everything we come across, street signs, store signs, product labels, etc. Having the literate ability to read is very crucial to communication and even survival, in some cases. Reading and writing skills are all around us and used daily without a second thought to it, it has become second nature to us.

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