Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Erin G. words can flail, Erin G. computer suave, fail!

Erin G. words can flail, Erin G. computer suave, fail!

Hi, I am Erin Gormley and I am apparently horrible with computers. I have never blogged, tweeted, blue-toothed, gamed for more than a half hour; and of course, couldn’t find this darn site just to post without the help of others… In a nutshell, I love writing. I am inspired by the dark and demonically beautiful Edgar Allan Poe, and uplifted by the thought that I can choose which path/road I take in life thanks to Robert Frost. Those are two of many of my favorite writers. I am going for 3 majors/ 2 doctorates in Creative Writing, Poetry Analysis, and Music Composition/Lyrical. No I’m not an overachiever, I just have fun learning and to be honest with you, if I could make my schooling into a career by being paid to attend everyday; I would in a heartbeat. Oh, that’s right, that’s is what we are ALL doing here, by furthering our education by teaching English Educ,; we just sealed the deal to get paid at what we love best. My dream is to pick my students’ brains the way my benefactors did mine, and with an open heart and mind, I think this crazy dream just might work out. In this sense, I think perhaps we all possess some of Szwed’s characteristics and thoughts on literature. On page 425, it is mentioned, “We might here also postulate the possibility of a difference between public and private literacy, between what one reads and writes at work, at school, and elsewhere.” As future teachers, (hopefully) we will find out the difference even more by the student body that their writings in the classroom may differ from that of their journal, to that of their personal writings in the privacy of their own homes. We are going to pick the public part of their writing adventures while in their own rooms; the real magic might be created by our and other students’ influence. Let the picking begin…

One Reply to “Erin G. words can flail, Erin G. computer suave, fail!”

  1. I love Poe! He is still one of my favorite authors and I cherish my complete works of Edgar Allen Poe book above others. Also, that is a lot of majors! I applaud your obviously outstanding work ethic. I really liked the quote from Szwed that you took and applied to being a teacher. From what I read of your introduction I feel that you will be an excellent educator and I believe your future students will be lucky to have you. I wish you luck in your future in English education!

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