Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Good morrow my fellow literacy enthusiasts!

Good morrow my fellow literacy enthusiasts!

This is Leanne Convis and as you already learned in class on Tuesday I am very much an over achiever. In fact I still remember being 11 and my sixth grade teacher calling in my parents in for a parent teacher conference to discuss the fact that my being an over achiever was a problem, but clearly her silly words did not stop me. The truth is, is that being in Theatre my whole life I have been cultured and educated to believe that knowledge truly is power and believed that any art form embodies everything. You essentially have to be smart (and I mean every kind of smart) to be able to do it and do it well. I no, I do not know everything and I will not, but I would like to take the chance to try at least. Traveling has already helped me a lot. I have traveled a lot with my family and on my own and it has helped shape me just as much as traveling has. With that said, I have a great interest in books and writing and I am very traditionalist when it comes to writing in a journal, having sticky notes everywhere, and reading hard copies of books. Still, I do not oppose any other form of reading. I read newspaper articles, I go on reddit and buzzfeed when I need a break. I don’t have a facebook, but that’s a personal choice I don’t hate it at all or discredit it. I completely agree with Szwed that when it comes to reading a writing, who is anyone to say what is right and wrong. In the theatre, it is really popular to mimic the speaking and writing styles of that generation and these pieces that include lol, awk, totes are considered great and relevant works of art. The idea of literacy after reading that article wasn’t distant at all to me, it just was put in a different construct which I found interesting and cool.

One Reply to “Good morrow my fellow literacy enthusiasts!”

  1. I totally get the decision to opt out of Facebook. As much as I love the internet, the barrage of social media sites that seem to want to turn the mundane into something you share with everybody is tiring. I haven’t gotten around to deleting mine yet, but I’m content to let mine be a collection of happy birthday updates. I still like to keep in touch with old friends, but I’d much rather chat with them from time to time than passive-aggressively alert them to things they missed out on.

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