Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog 2

Blog 2

Choose a place in the Scribner article and try to make sense of it. It could be a passage or sentence that is confusing or an idea that resonates with your own literacy experiences. The idea here is to use the blog post as a way to clarify ideas in the reading for yourself and the class.

“The one undisputed fact about illiteracy in America is its concentration among poor, black, elderly, and minority-language groups — groups without effective participation in our country-s economic and educational institutions”

Why are we not doing anything to help? My thoughts are that we have many resources that some take advantage of and many others who do not. This unlimited amount of knowledge and resources we have can be given to those who don’t have these connections. They are only considered illiterate because they don’t have the means they need to help them. I know reading some of the class notes that their are some who believe that they just need to go out and ask for help and it’s all up to them to go and get what they need, but for many getting these tools to help are not in reaching sight and its a lot more difficult to obtain than their privileged peers.


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