Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Literacy Sponsorship

Literacy Sponsorship

I tried to read the blog by Keri Franklin about digital literacy but it would not load. So I got extremely frustrated and kept trying to make the thing work, and it just wouldn’t work. However this really got me thinking about digital literacy without even reading the blog. Because here I am, spending almost half an hour to get this page to load, using everything I know about computers. I reloaded the page around 100 times. I closed my browser and restarted it. I double checked my internet connection. I triple checked it. I restarted my computer.  I really wanted to read this blog! So I have no idea if any of this relates even remotely to what she said, but here are my thoughts about sponsorship in digital literacy. My biggest reason for using twitter is to connect with other students, professors, and stay up to date with research related to what I study, or just other topics I’m interested in. So in order for me to try to be the best student I can be and eventually the best educator I can be, I have to know what’s going on. I need to stay connected whether on twitter, facebook or even tumblr. This has pushed me to become more comfortable with computers- specifically the internet. In English 30 workshops I needed a way to communicate with students and allow them to share their work, so I created a google group. The first week I had no idea what I was doing, and neither did the poor students. But because communication and sharing is such an important part of English 30 I had to learn it. And quickly, which I did. By doing so I have been able to to create a space for myself, the students, and our interns to communicate and share easily.

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