Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Can someone tell me why?

Can someone tell me why?

mean teacherCan someone please tell me why our university provides us with this wonderful course on literacy and what it means to be literate, while our sister junior college (who will go unnamed, though we all know what I’m talking about) is teaching a friend of mine that goes there that the way she speaks is specifically “illiterate” and not a useful form of communication? This friend of mine was born and raised in an inner-city location and life style. On top of that English was not her first language. All that being said, I was raised in private schooling and English is my first language and I still manage to understand her. We laugh and joke and text and write each other little notes, hers in the way she speaks and mine in the way I do and yet somehow we understand each other and genuinely enjoy each others company. How is it that I have no problem with the way she speaks yet she can be told by a teacher that the way she communicates “isn’t good enough?” That sounds like a set literacy standard to me… Uh-oh what’s going on here… This is the kind of behavior in teachers that turns on the mute button for too many students these days. Can’t we just work together?  This just baffles me. If anyone wants to attempt an explanation please enlighten me.    I just felt like bloging this, I thought it was relevant.

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