Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Girls, Girls, Girls

Girls, Girls, Girls

Once my group got past talking about the middle school days (yuck!) we started talking about all the different things we had to say about how the author was trying to interact with the girls. I thought it was strange that she needed to take them out to pizza in order to get to know the girls but I understood later on why it would be so important for them to bond outside of the classroom in order to get to know their literacy style. The kind of things that she could be informed of while talking to them out of class are the kinds of relationships that they form with the girls that are like them. In my group we mostly talked about how social distinction was really important and how the school at times really didn’t understand the girls or where their families were coming from. A lot of the things we talked about really did relate to where these girls were coming from and trying to put ourselves in their shoes and explaining to each other how important it was for us to know what kinds of girls were interesting and probably provided the most researchable material for the author. This was truly written in order to make it easier to understand what kind of roles books play in the social status of girls. We all pointed out in our group that some of the girls were at a disadvantage because their teachers put them there without understanding that they were doing these girls a disservice and not seeing that the young ladies were going through a hard time and finding themselves through the books they read in order to feel a sense of belonging. What got me most motivated to understand these girls was the fact that some of the less fortunate girls were told that they needed to stay at home and be with their families, yet needed an escape from their lives and their families to discover themselves on their own.

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