Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Brothers and Sisters

Brothers and Sisters

The book I and my group read was very insightful. We read the first three chapters together then broke up the last five. My chapter was about a little boy named Marcel. Marcel was very ordinary with streaks of extraordinary. He, like many other little boys, was really involved in the world of sports. He played on an imaginary football team with a very strict imaginary coach. He and his teammates had a very strict practice schedule and didn’t quite make it to the super bowl. However, Marcel unintentionally taught himself basic American geography and also how to spell through his love for sports. His teacher Ms. Rita understood that most children this age did not spell very well so she taught them to learn to spell from resources other than a dictionary. She provided them with globes and maps and all sorts of other material that they could learn form. Then somewhere along the line she discovered that Marcel was teaching himself how to spell and write through the use of mock writing. Where he would copy things he saw on maps or the board or on the television in regards to sports news. He would copy things that broadcasters typically said and taught himself how to read and write essentially through the realm of sports.

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