Reading together

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The Revolution Begins

The Revolution Begins

I thought it was pretty interesting how Sean Morris in Left Behind made it seem like a “revolution” was going on. I think the people are pushing for new ways for teaching and learning higher education. I believe what the article is saying is that it is hard to push for change, I agree with the statement “new approaches need consideration.” I thought it was interesting how they are on twitter sharing ideas and opinions about this revolution, for example someone tweeted:
“Every time I hear someone invoke “revolution” in discussions about education, I want to remind them that people die in revolutions”
-Audrey Watters @audreywatters

I thought it was interesting because I do feel like talking about change in education is taboo or looked down on. In the education world I think that it is hard to push for change, and I am glad people are out there pushing for new things. I just think it is going to take some time because people may be so grounded in what education should be that there could be a type of revolution between educators. “We call for change like wildfire because that’s the only good way to call for it. But the truth is, any revolt here will start very, very quietly,” Morris writes. I consider that it will take a while before the wheels begin turning. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I don’t think Education is going to change overnight like some kind of great revelation.
This article was about a push for change which relates to the Pedagogy piece we read on the 25th. It’s all about Old school vs new school and how they are looking how to change the way of teaching and education. How are they going to go about this? Can they start from scratch? How are they all going to consider the things that work and don’t work? Which side are you on?

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