Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog # 8

Blog # 8


“The State of Things”

The article I chose to read was called “The State of Things”. It discussed digital pedagogy and how, like literacy, is constantly evolving to keep up with the pace of technology and kind of has to if it expects to continue to excel and keep up with the rate of technology. Much like literacy, as we have learned, technology and pedagogy/literacy go hand-in-hand. One quote I thought summed up this article was “all pedagogy is always only as valuable as the voices that contribute to it”. This relates so well to what we have been learning in this class about literacy as well. Pedagogy and literacy seemed to have a lot in common, according to what I gathered from this article and what we have learned throughout the first half of the semester. It mentions in the article that they are having an online/streaming twitter conversation about digital pedagogy and educating those who may not know anything about it. They are willing to answer any questions presented and already had a few questions that have been presented and will be discussed. If you are interested, the event will be taking place on April 4 at noon. There are more details in the article if you want more information on the subject.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a very long article, so it basically set up the grounds of what digital pedagogy is and discussed the event on April 4th. This related a lot to what we have learned in class though. Not only are they utilizing digital pedagogy through their online forum and event, but many of the things they said about pedagogy related to what we have discussed about literacy in class. It was also easy to see the relation because the two are fairly similar concepts and are constantly evolving to keep with with the rate of technology. Interesting information and easily relatable to our class discussions.

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