Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies



Some things that I learned from my article group reading are how influential hip-hop is and how it goes hand in hand with literacy. You can see that lyrics can be decoded into poetry and have a deeper meaning than just a “song” that you have heard a million of times. Another thing that I learned was that there was a website that did annotate the meaning of the lyrics which I think is pretty cool! Also, something I learned is that hip-hop makes learning fun and more interesting like in the video we showed about the rap that was made about DNA.

I can honestly say that these class presentations have taught me to look outside my box. At the beginning of the year I though video games were just for fun and served no “learning” practices. I used to think that they were just for fun and games and nothing else. That has changed and I can see that video games do serve a purpose and do have some educational uses. The Gamer group really nailed that down for me. They talked about how you have to think about new ways to beat a level or how it relates back to reality. In reality if you mess up something you can try and start over and make it better. Another group that was really interesting was the adolescent identity and literacy. I really liked how they had us make a collaborative story with each other and how they talked about how boys and girls differ.

In all I think this whole class assignment was really awesome. It made me really think outside my comfort zone and realize that thinking differently might not be such a bad idea.

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