Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

blog 3

blog 3



The parts of Brandts Sponsors of Literacy that I found the most interesting were the ones that talked about specific sponsors that an individual encounters over their life. Her definition of ‘sponsors’ is so broad, I have a hard time thinking of non-sponsors.

My whole family is full of readers. My parents had very different styles of reading and I think that caused me to have a wide range of reading choices. My mom always had the bible on her night stand, and she made me and my brother listen to the old stories over and over again. We would take turns reading Dr. Seuss out loud to my baby brother. When I got older, she was home less and less and there would always be a note on the table when I got home from school with a chore list and what time she would be back. Now we write e-mails, texts, notes, and facebook messages to each other all the time. We read the same books and talk for hours about content and writing styles of the different stories.

I cant tell you how many hours were spent with my dad in the living room listening to him read out loud. I would beg him to read me the same book every night: Teep and Beep go to Sleep by Mercer Mayer. After I grew out of picture books, I would read my own novel next to him, while he was reading the latest Tom Clancy or Stephen King. My grandma loves to read as well, and we often trade paper back mystery novels. She said they never used to have time to just sit and read when she was growing up, and that I was lucky that I had so much free time. She said most of her beginning reading was newspapers or school materials…

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