Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Think outside the box!

Think outside the box!

Who am I? I’m Rachel Hughes a Sophomore- ish (lol I’ll explain in a bit) English Education major currently working on my degree. I grew up in the suburbs of the East Bay in California. I want to be a teacher and I have wanted to be a teacher since the second grade, despite the fact that I was struggling academically. Maybe I knew my destiny as a child?

I grew up with Auditory Processing Disorder- a learning disability; this does not currently affect me in negative ways like it did when I was younger. I remember being so frustrated with school and I hid my vocab workbook under my bed so I didn’t have to do the assignment in elementary school. Along the years, I worked incredibly hard and I was taught new (and creative) ways to succeed in school (new study habits, note-taking skills, etc.). I reached out for help and I got it.

I could draw like nobody else, I could think “outside of the box” for myself to find out things faster and easier, and I scared the living crap out of my councilor in middle school for writing a very scary story. No lady, I am not insane… I am just that creative.

Rainbow Cat

We are growing differently as a society with this huge tech revolution, we should not be subjected to putting our learning and teaching methods in a prehistoric box. We are new age with a new generation of people and we should have our own individualistic likings included along with literacy.

Because of my learning disability, I was held back for an extra year of preschool. Because of my different intelligence that I developed, I am able to skip a semester of college and it is possible that I could be skipping a full year.

Break down the term literacy in a general sense … there is more out there than just the literacy that is considered “scholarly”… Just because something is scholarly does not mean it is right morally (depends upon your beliefs), emotionally, and socially.  William’s definition of literacy is very one sided.

Just because one person did something one way does not mean it will or is going to work for another person/ generation. TRUTH!- If this does not make sense, scroll back to the top.

One Reply to “Think outside the box!”

  1. Hi Rachel!

    That’s so awesome you’ve conquered your disability and succeeded. I thought I had a learning anxiety because I’d have a panic attack through tests, whether it was math, history, science, etc. I unfortunately discovered this in community college, so it contributed to my change in my future career. I never reached out for help, even though I should have. Everything else worked out for itself though since I transferred as an English major.

    I believe that the classroom should change as well as our generation grows through our technological era. The trouble with this is that many teachers have been taught the archaic, desk-note taking-pencil-scantron skills. I believe the change and movement in teaching methods will be successful, but just not in an urgent, immediate sense.

    If that is your own drawing, you’re an amazing drawer! If not, I don’t have a doubt you’re just as a fantastic artist!

    I hope this semester goes well for you!

    Malissa :)

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