Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

I Wish I Had Duck Feet

I Wish I Had Duck Feet

I chose to interview my niece Shayla, she is seven years old and full of spunk! Just so you know, the title of this post refers to one of Shayla’s favorite books, it is also appropriate for this wet weather that we have had! She came over today, we made rice crispy treats, went on a walk, and painted. She even made me a Valentine’s day card. As I began to type out my assignment, I started to think about Shayla’s upbringing. When she was a baby she never had to go to daycare , her grandparents took care of her when her parents worked. I know that they read to her all the time, and gave her the one-on-one attention that is so important during a baby’s formative years. I think that she has excelled in language and literacy due to that fact.  Thinking about this has got me curious to know if there have been studies published involving children who went to a daycare facility when they were a baby, verses children who spent their formative infant years with family, and if it made a difference as far as their literacy skills were concerned. I’m looking forward to doing some investigating. I have read a few of my classmates posts, and I can see that this assignment has brought up so many opportunities for further research and development. It’s so cool to see learning and growth in action. So, here is some of the conversation I had with Shayla, it’s not the most insightful part of the interview, but I think it’s hilarious!

So, what happened when you started school, did reading and writing change when you started school?

Um, yeah it did, but on my first day I didn’t like it that much.

You didn’t like school that much?

no, not that much

Did you start to like it eventually?

Yeah, two days later I liked it.


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