Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

New Literacies

New Literacies

In our day and age, learning a new literacy is something that has become more of an adaptation. With how fast everything changes and new things are created, we dont even realize that we are learning new ways to read and write quite often. Twitter for instance. Just like in the article, we all had to learn to tweet by being boring or naive tweeters. But nobody sat in their seat after composing a perfect tweet and thought “Wow, I just learned a new literacy.” Its second nature now. Just recently I got hired at a restaurant that used computers for taking orders. I had to learn all of the buttons at an alarmingly fast rate or else I’d be doomed. But without even breaking a sweat, it all became memorized. But different codes being typed in to stand for different items on the menu is no cake walk. But with how common the learning has become, I didnt even realize that I had just learned a whole new way to read and then a new way to write (orders on slips of paper). I think that it is amazing. It clearly shows how easily we can adapt to new formats and know them like we do any other basic skill.

One Reply to “New Literacies”

  1. I really enjoyed your post, its actually pretty similar to mine haha but I totally agree that we as people are just living our daily lives and don’t even realize were learning a new literacy.

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