Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks

Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks

Literacy of this day and age can be difficult for those of an older generation to understand and enjoy. We need to spread our knowledge of literacies instead of keeping this from people. We need to teach everyone and make sure everyone can properly function in the modern world.

Learning can sometimes seem like a process that really only occurs when you are young and in school. The truth is, learning is an everyday experience for the rest of your life. Learning a new literacy (such as Twitter) can seem intimidating when you are no longer being taught things in a school environment. When you are in school, you are supposed to be learning. When you are older and out of school, you are expected to know things and no longer need to learn them. Everyone needs to learn new things every day and learning a new literacy is nothing to be ashamed of! If you know a literacy that someone else doesn’t know, spread the joy of learning and knowledge and teach people what you know instead of hoarding your knowledge.

One Reply to “Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks”

  1. Thank you! I feel that if you don’t learn something new every day, every week, regularly the only person you are letting down is yourself. There is no way someone can learn all they need to know by a certain age/point in their life. New literacies are scary and intimidating, but after learned, they become useful and worthwhile endeavors in our everyday lives. I like teaching my mom new things, like Facebook and how to use her iPhone. She gets really frustrated, but once she has it down, generally due to a hand written list of step by step instructions, she gets excited.

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