Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

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The question of how much individuality is involved in a literary pursuit is mind boggling. To my belief, there is no such thing as a social view of literacy. Although the authors we have read so far to believe otherwise, I think the decision to enhance or expand one’s literacy is ultimately an individual pursuit. Yes, there are these sponsorships that influence one’s literacy journey, but whether or not to take them as something that is influential is up to the individual. Brandt’s article states “how everybody’s literacy practices are operating in different economies, which supply different access routes, different degrees of sponsoring power, and different scales of monetary worth to the practices in use” (Brandt 172). One can be provided with all the necessary means to formulate an above average literacy level, such as money, educational benefits, access to literacy enhancers, etc., but the willingness to do so is up to the person. If given all these opportunities to advance but unable to follow through with establishing personal literate goals, these opportunities are wasted.

On the other hand, if a person is not given these opportunities and does everything in their willpower to gain some kind of an advantage, they might end up with a higher literate gain. All in all, developing literacy depends on the individual because, in the example from Brandt’s article, Dora Lopez did not have much to sponsor her literacy journey, but she became her own sponsor by finding her own resources. In doing so, she was able to establish a literacy level beyond the generalized means of her social standing and social environment.

In addition to this, with the introduction of literacy being available electronically, I wonder how literacy will be different amongst each class and environment. The discussion revolving around the Twitter article and TED Talk made me realize how technologically dependent our current society is becoming. Although others feel as if the current advances in technology are holding back the younger generations, these generations are developing the ability to switch between literacies easily, something that would have been difficult in the past. I think this appreciation of technology will allow for something more on the lines of a universal sponsorship, with access to internet in very random places giving people around the world the ability to connect and to learn. But, I feel like this is going to be the main tool in separating the people that are serious about improving their literacy and the people that are comfortable with there they currently stand.

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