Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

It Does Mean Something

It Does Mean Something

As children, we are all taught how important reading is. “It makes you smarter” people would say. “You expand your vocabulary” and many other comments are used until we eventually just `believe it. But until you grow up and realize how important it truly is, you cannot fully take advantage of the knowledge. After deciding to become an English major, I now understand how insane it would be to not have the basic reading skills that we all have. Literacy is a privilege that we take for granted. The readings that we have examined in class have even further open my eyes into the importance as well as the challenges we all face with the technological impact of today. During our discussions as well as self reflection, I have come to terms with the technology factor, but have yet to fully understand how we can make certain that we come to a perfect balance. Kids these days have access to tools that eliminate many of the skills that make up a strong literary foundation. With things such as Siri, children, when using devices, can have the mysterious voice do all of the reading and typing for them. Are we sure that we are okay with that? That ability allows children to dodge any hassles of literacy and encourages them to continue on thinking of reading as a chore. In my book club book (Superheros) I am witnessing stories of children who are saved by literacy. It promotes so much individuality in these children and helps make them who they are. Its exhibit A in the debate of literacy. This has been a topic on my mind since the beginning of class and an issue I plan to continue researching.

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