Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

What Literacy Isn’t?

What Literacy Isn’t?

To be entirely honest, I hadn’t done much thinking about literacy before the beginning of this class. If someone had asked me what literacy was I probably would have thought simply someone’s ability to read.

I did grow up in a house where reading was emphasized. I was the little girl carrying around a favorite book instead of dolls. My mom is a book lover and I fulfilled her dreams of passing on her favorite books to her daughters (my sisters are a whole ‘nother story). I read so much that I had read all of the books my 4th grade teacher had in our class SSR library so I was allowed to bring my own. I have been very privileged in my literacy sponsors for reading.

That’s what I thought literacy was. Literacy was taking the Lexile quiz in middle school and having the only book within my range being “War and Peace” and a strange calculus textbook.

NOW I think I have a much better grasp on what literacy is… but also so much to learn because each day an old idea is torn down and something else built on top. Most importantly, I think, is that I’m aware of my own literacies and that not everyone had the same sponsors as I have had.

That’s the most interesting thing I’ve learned from this class so far: the idea of literacy sponsors. I have had extensive diversity training in my time here at Chico State, and I’ve been taught to think as inclusively as possible, but I had never thought of literacy as much more than either being able to read, or not.

I hadn’t thought about the impact others would have had on someone’s reading habits. Now, reading Just Girls, I am indeed reliving my middle school years, and noticing that there were so many different sponsors and influences on what/if someone read.

I thought I knew what literacy was, now I’m unsure of what literacy isn’t… but I feel great about that!

What I’m saying is, I now know I have a lot to learn, but I am excited for everything I thought I knew to be wrong. 

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