Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Article Group Presentations

Article Group Presentations

Whoops, I totally forgot about this blog. Life is dumb and distracting.

Anyways, I really enjoyed a lot of the article group presentations. They were mostly pretty fun and engaging, and everyone seemed to have a pretty good understanding of the concepts they were illustrating. A couple times I found it hard to follow how some of the activities were relating back to concepts of literacy, a couple just seemed like they were trying to be fun. I do know, however, that this would have worked better if there was more time to talk through stuff. The Maker group activity stuck with me a bit, probably because it was the one that I didn’t enjoy as much. I felt that simply following instructions and putting something together didn’t really show any new or interesting concepts, I felt that more freedom to improvise would have been more entertaining and engaging, which is why I spent the second half of the activity time building a sort of claw out of two robo-fingers. I found that this building experience was much more interesting, both in a simple sense (it was more fun), and in a more complex, conceptual sense, because I was dealing with all sorts of trial and error and improvised learning. Again, I understand time constraints are difficult to overcome, but I think it would have been more interesting to allow us to fail more.

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