Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Literacy Through Generations

Literacy Through Generations

“Papa amazes me. Nana moves to kindle but later got an iPad. Gave kindle to papa and he said “I’ll just buy 25 cent books.” We got him a visually impaired program for free (app on iPad, very easy to download) later. Papa started reading on kindle and he could take it to the doctor’s office. He still read on his mini iPad. Nana downloads books from him. He liked the iPad more cause it was lighter and brighter, print size could be changed. Earlier in life he started doing more emails cause him and Nana would travel the US in their RV. Email became a diary that was sent to his family to keep them up to date. They didn’t understand the blog idea although that’s basically what it was. At 75 now, they did far more on computers than was ever expected. Despite their upbringing (demographic differences: Nana and Papa) they turned out both very good readers and writers. Despite low socioeconomic upbringing, Papa kicked ass.”


This is a direct quote from my Mom talking about her father. I thought it was incredibly interesting that despite the two differing starting points in life, my Nana and Papa were able to both become incredibly intellectual people. Despite growing up the youngest of 10 as first generation in the US, my Papa strived against the odds and graduated college.


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