Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

The Challenge of Looking and Walking at the Same Time

The Challenge of Looking and Walking at the Same Time

I think that sponsorship with digital literacy is different than how it is with print-based literacies. For me anyways, I find that I learn new digital literacies based on what my friends tell me they are using or by something I’ve seen somewhere else online. At this point I’m so far into the digital world that I can’t remember how I learned about any of them or who introduced them to me, but I know that there was a learning curve for all the forms digital literacies I use. With print-based literacies, I’m more verbally encouraged by people like parents and teachers to read or write something, while online I find that I’m more self influenced by seeing what other people post and how that inspires me to use that platform. For example, on Twitter, I’m influenced by my friends on what I tweet based on what I know other people post and want to see. Like Franklin, it took me a while to figure out the conventions of my audience to figure out what people wanted to see in their feeds. I think this in a way is actually similar to print-literacies because you have to know the audience you’re writing to, to know what and how to write.

For me, my most recent example of a literate practice for me is probably video games. My ex boyfriend was really into video games and we played them together a lot and it was really hard for me at first because it was not something I had grown up doing. In the first-person based games I had the hardest time just figuring out how to look and walk at the same time. It was challenging learning this new literacy because my ex didn’t really understand why it was so difficult for me so he couldn’t really help me, but I did eventually learn to look and walk at the same time!

One Reply to “The Challenge of Looking and Walking at the Same Time”

  1. I agree with you that digital literacy is different than print based literacies (though they do share some similarities ultimately they aren’t the same). There is not just one person sponsoring our literacy but a multitude of people that influence us and with access to the internet it creates a wider connection with other people which is not something we can always achieve with print based literacy. And I understand your struggle with first person based games because I too had an initial hard time with it and was also glad when I got to the point of being able to maneuver the character on my own. It shows how adaptable we can be with a new type of digital literacy and how rewarding it can be when we finally ‘get it’ and understand how to utilize it.

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