Reading together

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Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

You kids are always on that darn phone!

You kids are always on that darn phone!

The reading that Keri Franklin wrote about learning a new literacy kind of made me laugh before I really thought about it. How could someone “post a tweet incorrectly?” Twitter is something that I have just been using for so long, I really forgot about the literacy required to use it. When you think about it though, there are really so many technicalities behind this social media, and constantly changing rules or settings to it. I have had a twitter since I was a freshman in high school, so since about 2010. Even since then I have seen changes in Twitter, the users, how it is used, and the way people share their lives.

Sponsorship of digital literacies is something completely different from the sponsors of print-based literacies. The way we think of digital literacies is almost a different practice than print-based ones. Digital literacy is used more extensively to quickly spread news, thoughts, and ideas. We use it in order to share our lives with one another in the click of a button, and accessible practically anywhere. The sponsors of this are “today’s society,” which encourages us to stay up with today’s busy world. Not to say that print-based literacy is completely obsolete, but it is definitely not as encouraged or well used as digital literacies are. We see people reading actual books or the newspaper on paper so less often. It isn’t as well sponsored or encouraged because sadly, it just isn’t practical, as it isn’t the exact direction our society is headed.

College has forced me to become literate in technology I wasn’t familiar with. My high school and prior education didn’t revolve around using technology. It was actually more discouraged. So when I came to Chico, I had no idea of the existence of things that are super useful,  such as Google drive/docs. I was in a group meeting for class and they were discussing sharing our presentation using that. They were so baffled when I shared that I had absolutely no idea what that was- thankfully they were helpful in teaching me about this, and it is a pretty simple way to share information. Things like google docs, blackboard, and other online services that are required here at Chico State have forced me to expand on my technological knowledge.

The only thing that I have found challenging (besides learning how to use the technologies, but honestly they were all pretty simple) is accepting the fact that this is where literacy is headed. I can’t fight it, I can just learn so that I am able to keep up and succeed. I ended up spending extra money on some of my books last year just because I am stubborn and wanted the paper copy. I have learned to be excited that this is where we are going as a society.


One Reply to “You kids are always on that darn phone!”

  1. I like the idea that the sponsor of digital literacy is “today’s society.” I also wrote about the idea digital literacy doesn’t have the same type of sponsorship as print-based literacy. Maybe this is because we are becoming the sponsors, our generation is the one that will be responsible for being the sponsors of digital literacy in the future, or maybe it’s just because digital literacy changes so fast that we are unable to have a group of sponsors that have years of experience. But I like what you had to say about this. I think we do tend to look to our peers and our “society” and the direction it’s head, a digital one for sure, and this process encourages us to further our digital literacy.

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