Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Blog Post 4

Blog Post 4

Alright so todays post is about what I found interesting or confusing about Street’s paper What’s New. There was a lot going on in this paper and I will admit that there were a lot of things going on that I didn’t quite get or understand, or maybe it just went in one side of the brain and out the other, or whatever that old expression is. But that was something I did get out of the reading. What is new. What is changing. How is it changing. From the old to the new.

One specific part of the paper I enjoyed reading about was the idea Street had on teaching. Street said we had to come up with new “positive proposals for interventions in teaching, curriculum, measurement criteria, and teacher education in both the formal and the informal sectors…” (82). The question is asked, what do we as teachers need to do in order to teach the future children in our society. What is the right way? Is there a right way? It really makes you stop and think, what should our teachers be pursuing in the curriculum to teach children. It is difficult because children all learn differently and need to be taught in different manners, so there needs to become a balance between all of these different learning techniques and brought into one for every child. But with the way literacy is changing, and with everything “new” it is difficult to pin point the one answer or one specific type of teaching that should be pursued.

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