Reading together

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Just girls girls girls and more girls

Just girls girls girls and more girls

Throughout the first three chapters our group agreed that Margaret J. Finders focuses heavily on the idea of social literacy and how it affects mainly girls. She uses examples of children’s background, their social status at school, the friends they hang out with and even yearbook signing. In her case study it is noted that the less popular girls who came from trailer park homes were more focused on school and teachers were proud that those girls were their ideal student. There are a group of girls that she focuses on from the popular group that have unstable and false friendships. They talk behind each others backs and are best friends with a new girl each day. Her funniest example, in my eyes, is the yearbook signing. Someone asked a classmate if they could sign their yearbook and the person replied: No. Such a small incident, but socially this was tragic to the person who was denied. Within the yearbook signings Finders found that kids would frequently write “friends forever” and “our friendship lives on” and she talks about how these phrases influence kids into thinking that their friendship really are for forever or that there are strong connections between person to person, when really they don’t even fully understand friendship yet.
Our group got to talking and we are really looking forward to what Finders will dive into next. We somewhat predict that she will make sense of why girls tend to me more dramatic in certain instances. So far I love how she is focuses on the social side of literacy rather than the basic standard of reading and writing! Throughout reading thus far there are things I did in middle school and high school that I thought nothing of and now looking back, I wonder what made me make those actions.

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