Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.




Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

artical group.

artical group.

Our article group is based on Digital storytelling. The articles i read were by Joe Lambert the creator of “digital storytelling.” His main focus is to use video to tell stories so they can be archived and retrieved for later viewing. This reminded me of the oratory of the native Indians. Where stories would be told to the children so the history of the people wouldn’t be lost. I like the idea and have at times wanted to have my father write a memoir of his childhood and his upbringing. He was the youngest of eight and his father died when he was thirteen. His sisters, my aunts have told me some stories but i think it would be cathartic for him to put his memories on paper and it would give me a window into San Francisco in the thirties and forties and fifties.

The  discussions we have had in article group were a bit stunted because we compared these digital stories to the ignite talks ted talks and the like. Using video to tell a story whether it be about virtual chickens or a ted talk on jstor usage. I guess my point is that as cool as this digital story telling is we as group wanted to push it to a new level. We don’t want to film a video of telling a story, we want to make it more interactive in a resource activity. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but we are trying to formulate an activity that will involve all of the students of class in a spontaneous, quick word pick entry into the resource we have chosen. This will intern tell a story based on a theme we chose and show how this activity will help students remember the content of a digital story more than just listening to someone tell a story. I think i may have said to much, but putting it into action will be the challenge. The way i see the activity is it will be a virtual Madlib.  We will have to see what happens on tue when we meet again.


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