Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together.

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Time photoOur course invites you to work with data collection and analysis, readings, and discussion around the field of literacy studies

Games For You, Games For Me

Games For You, Games For Me

I have been working with the article group involving gaming and literacy, and we have as a group become particularly interested in the community and cooperation that gaming brings to learning. Although our group’s “focus” is on video games, we also have looked into other varying types of games, that aren’t video games, and how they can have an effect on students and learning. One example is with the USC film students and a game they play as Freshman. Its a card game they play that goes on throughout the year, and helps get students meeting people, and getting involved through different parts of the school. Although it is not a video game, it is an interaction game with the community and with the people around you.

These types of games can be played anywhere and everywhere throughout school. Although, USC’s game is quite complex, and takes a whole year to complete, some games can be manipulated into small lessons or activities. On a personal level, playing a game is fun, and learning through a game is a great way to learn. It keeps my motivated, and strive to do better because i’m competitive and want to win. I don’t like to lose. And if winning makes me work at solving a problem, or reading or writing, or whatever it may be, the game has motivated me to learn. I may not think i am doing so at the time. But it is happening.

Also working with others is another great point, that video games, or just games in general teach extremely well. Me being a quiet person, makes it difficult sometimes to contribute to a group, because I don’t want to be that vocal person, so in many cases i choose to work by myself in some cases. But when there is a game or an activity, with a group effort working to try to achieve the same goal, it makes it easier for me to contribute. I don’t have to be super vocal, but i may be able to offer more assistance to an area of my strengths. And if i feel that way i’m sure others do as well, and games i believe make it easier for people to come together and work together because at times help is needed from someone else that can do something better.

Gaming has opened my eyes to so much, and how it can be used in learning, and I look forward to learning more in the coming weeks.


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